Time Chart
Here, I/O times of various commands are described.
When "Output control" Is Set to "None"
Output the measurement results if controller is not synchronous with external devices. After external devices detect GATE signal of controller, the measurement results are read during ON.
Input measurement trigger with in STEP signal range
Example) when 3 expressions are set in [Parallel Data Out] :
Output Signal
Output Signal ("Output Control" set to "None")
Turns ON when the controller is available for measurement and the RUN window is displayed. It is OFF with the ADJUST window, so switch to the RUN window during operation.
Indicate that controller is under measurement or Scene switch. When BUSY signal is ON, don't input next command. Otherwise, on-going processing or input command isn't correctly performed.
Output the Expression results set in Processing Item [Parallel Judgement Output]/[Parallel Data Out].
Used to control reading time of measurement results to external devices. It's ON within the time when external devices are required to access measurement results. To make total output time shorter than measurement interval (input interval of STEP signal), set output period.
The GATE signal can be outputted only after the [Parallel Judgement Output] and [Parallel Data Out] are selected from the flowing process.
ON when STEP signal can be input. When the through images are being viewed, the READY signal will turn to OFF, but cannot receive the STEP signal.
Input Signal
Input Signal ("Output Control" is set to "None")
Input measurement trigger from external devices such as optic switches, etc. Perform one measurement in synchronous with STEP signal ON (OFF ![Icon Icon](images/arrow_rightvu.jpg) ON). At least 0.5ms ON of STEP signal shall be maintained.
Note- READY signal can be changed below.
- When parallel continuous measuring is engaged and continuous STEP signal is inputted, switching of scene group should be avoided. To switch a scene group, uncheck "Save scene group when switching" by either of the following methods.
Continuous Measurement
- Giving precedence to measurement when the input intervals of STEP signal is short, or while continuous measurement is being performed, display of measured results (overall judgment, image, judgment for each processing unit in the flow display, Detailed Results) may not be updated.
When the continuous End, the measurement results of the last time measurement will be viewed.
Example) when 1 expression is set in [Parallel Data Out] :
Input Signal
Input(Continuous Measurement)
After DI0 to 6 is set, turn DI7 ON with an interval over 1ms.
Note- ERROR signal is ON when input command isn't correctly performed.
When "Output Control" Is Set to "Handshaking"
Output the measurement results if controller is synchronous with external devices. This function enables to effectively transfer data when many measurement results are output in sequence.
Input measurement trigger with in STEP signal range
Example) when 3 expressions are set in [Parallel Data Out] :
Input Signal
Input Signal ("Output Control" is set to "Handshaking")
This signal is used to request to send the following data from external devices. Before DSA signal is ON, the controller doesn't output data. Obtain DSA signal ON next time.
- Complete receiving system of external devices
- Measurement completed by controller
BUSY signal is ON during measurement. Thus, finish time of measurement can be acquired if the state of BUSY signal is monitored.
When "Output Control" Is Set to "Synchronization output"
A method that enables processing time on the production line to Execute synchronously with result output time of controller. After STEP signal of "Number of delay" in communication specification is ON, measurement results will be output when STEP signal is ON next time.
Note- When "Output Control" of communication specification is set to "Synchronization output", the number of levels will be accumulated by ON times of STEP signal. So, it's advisable to set to one output for one measurement (1 unit for "Judgement Output", 1 data for "Data Output").
Setting Communication Specifications (Parallel Interface)
- Only STEP signal is input for measurement command.
When serial command is used for measurement and continuous measurement, output time will mismatch, and the controller will lead to mis-operation.
Example) Staged Transmission Line with Star Wheel
Discharge time for NG may Execute synchronously with output time of measurement results.
Input measurement trigger with in STEP signal range
Example) When setting "2" for "Number of delay"
Scene/Scene Group Switch
Output Signal
Output Signal (Scene/Scene Group Switching)
Turns ON when the controller is available for measurement and the Operation window is displayed. It is OFF with the Adjustment window, so switch to the Operation window during operation. Changing Steps (Scene Switch) |
Indicate that controller is scene switches. When BUSY signal is ON, don't input next command. Otherwise, on-going processing or input command isn't correctly performed.
Input Signal (Scene Switching)
Input Signal (Scene Switching)
After DI0 to 6 is set, turn DI7 ON with an interval over 1ms.
BUSY signal is ON during implementation of commands. After BUSY signal is ON, turn DI7 OFF, and then DI0 to 6 OFF.
Input Signal (Scene Group Switching)
Input Signal (Scene Group Switching)
Set scene group No. (0 to 31).
After DI0 to 6 is set, turn DI7 ON with an interval over 1ms.
BUSY signal is ON during implementation of commands. After BUSY signal is ON, turn DI7 OFF, and then DI0 to 6 OFF.
READY Signal
When the image mode is "Freeze", the next STEP can be received if READY is ON. If READY is OFF and STEP is input, ERROR terminator is ON.
- Perform the following when the image mode is "Through".
- Accept STEP signal when READY is OFF.
- When READY is OFF, the ERROR terminal will not turn ON, even if the STEP signal is input.