Instruction List (Serial Interface)
This section explains input format of each command used in the Serial Normal method.
Commands can be input in ASCII code, case-insensitive.
Command List
Empties all the Value of the current scenes
Loads System + Scene group 0 data
Saves System + Scene Group 0 data in a file
Saves System + Scene group data in the controller's memory
Sets up/obtain the current date/time
Acquires current view state of images
Changes the view state of images
Acquires in-use Scene No.
Acquires in-use scene group No.
Switches ADJUST window/RUN window
Loads the scene group data
Saves the scene group data
Gets the parameters and/or measurement values of specified processing unit
Sets the parameters of specified processing unit
Acquires system version information
CLRMEAS -CLeaR MEASurement value-
Function ... Empties all the Value of the scenes that are being used.
The values after emptying are as follows.
View State of Screens
Function ... Loads System + Scene group 0 data
BKDLOAD <File name of System + Scene group data> delimiter |
Specifies <System + Scene group data file name> using an absolute path like \USBDisk\abc.bkd.
When executed properly: OK delimiter |
When not executed properly: ER delimiter |
Note- The following cases result in failure.
- When a file with a different extension (other than "***.BKD") is specified:
- When a file that does not exist is specified.
- Do not turn off the power of the controller until a response is returned.
BKDLOAD \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL1.BKD delimiter |
Loads "LABEL.KBD" in the "IMG01" folder of the USB memory drive labeled "USBDisk2" onto the controller.
Function ... Saves in a file the System + Scene Group 0 data, which is currently used in the controller
BKDSAVE <File name of System + Scene group data> delimiter |
Specifies <System + Scene group data file name> using an absolute path like \USBDisk\abc.bkd.
When executed properly: OK delimiter |
When not executed properly: ER delimiter |
Note- The following cases result in failure.
- When a file with a different extension (other than "***.BKD") is specified:
- Do not turn off the power of the controller until a response is returned.
BKDSAVE \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL1.BKD delimiter |
Saves the currently used System + Scene Group 0 data to a file named "LABEL1.BKD" in the "IMG01" folder of the USB memory drive "USBDisk2".
Function ... Saves system data and scene group data on the controller's flash memory
Saves system data and scene group data on the controller's flash memory.
Note- When using Scene Group 1 to 31, if you execute DATASAVE command, system data is saved on the controller's flash memory and scene group data is saved to the USB memory. If a USB memory device is not plugged in, ER is returned.
- Do not turn off the power of the controller until a response is returned.
Saves a System + Scene group data of System + Scene group No. 3 with the file name "LABEL1.BKD" in the "IMG01" folder of the USB memory drive labeled "USBDisk2".
Function 1 ... Obtains the current date/time
:Year/month/day/hour/minute/second delimiter OK delimiter |
Function 2 ... Sets the date/time
<Western calendar 4 digits> <month 2 digits><day 2 digits><hour 2 digits> <minute 2 digits><second 2 digits> delimiter |
Note- The <hour 2 digits><minute 2 digits><second 2 digits> can be omitted when setting up. They can not be updated when being omitted and the previous time will be kept unchanged.
The available omitting options include "omitting <second> only", "omitting <hour><minute><second>," cannot "omit <hour> only" and "omit <minute> only."
DATE 20070830123000 delimiter |
Set to 8/30/2007 12:30:00 am.
Function 1 ... Acquires current view state of images
View state is shown below.
View State of Screens
Image mode is either "Freeze" or mixture of "Freeze" and "Last NG".
Image modes of all the windows are "Last NG".
Current images are shown with full state.
Function 2 ... Changes the view state of images
DISPCOND <view image model No> delimiter |
Select 0 to 2 from the Image Mode Number.
- 0: Changes the image modes of all the windows to "Through"
- 1: Changes the image modes of all the windows to "Freeze"
- 2: Changes the image modes of all the windows to "Last NG"
Viewed images are changed to Last NG images.
Function ... Saves image data into the external devices
IMGSAVE <Image Data Number> <Save to Destination Address> delimiter |
Select the following from the <Save to Destination Address>
- \USBDisk\...
When the destination folder is in the USB memory, it will be Saved to the USB memory. The file extension is "***.IFZ".
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- When an extension other than "ifz" is specified for the name of the file to be saved
- When a non-existing folder is selected in the destination address
- In the case the specified file name has existed, the existing file will be overwritten
- Do not cut off power of controller before the response.
IMGSAVE 3 \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL1.IFZ delimiter |
The image data of the No.3 image, namely the "LABEL1.IFZ" file, will be Saved into the "IMG01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive.
Function 1 ... Performs a measurement
Function 2 ... Starts continuous measurement
When not executed properly
Function 3 ... Stops continuous measurement
When not executed properly
Function ... Restarts the controller
Function 1 ... Acquires in-use Scene No.
Function 2 ... Scene Switch No.
SCENE <Scene No.> delimiter |
Point at the code number 0 to 31.
Function 1 ... Acquires in-use scene group No.
:scene group No. delimiter |
Scene Group 0 is being used.
Function 2 ... Switches the scene group number
SCNGROUP <scene group No.> delimiter |
Scene group No. shall be set within 0 to 31.
Switches to Scene Group 2.
- When parallel continuous measuring is engaged and continuous STEP signal is inputted, switching of scene group should be avoided. To switch a scene group, uncheck "Save scene group when switching" by either of the following methods.
Function ... Loads the Scene data from the external devices
SCNLOAD <Scene No.> <Load Resource> delimiter |
Point at the <code number> 0 to 31.
Select the following from the <Load Resource>
- \USBDisk\...
When a file in the USB memory is selected, this file will be loaded. The file extension is "***.SCN".
SCNLOAD 2 \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL.SCN delimiter |
Load the "LABEL.SCN" file, namely Scene 2, in the "IMG01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive onto the controller.
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- Select the files with other extension names (other than "***.SCN")
- When non-existing files are used
- Please do not Cut off power of controller before the response.
Function ... Saves a scene data into the external device
SCNSAVE <Scene No.> <Save to Destination Address> delimiter |
Point at the code number 0 to 31.
Select the following from the <Save to Destination Address>
- \USBDisk\...
When the destination folder is in the USB memory, it will be Saved to the USB memory. The file extension is "***.SCN".
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- Select the files with other extension names (other than "***.SCN")
- When a non-existing folder is selected in the destination address
- In the case the specified file name has existed, the existing file will be overwritten
- Please do not Cut off power of controller before the response.
SCNSAVE 3 \USBDisk2\SCN01\LABEL.SCN delimiter |
The image data of the No.3 image, namely the "LABEL.SCN" file, will be Saved into the "SCN01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive.
Function ... Switches ADJUST window/RUN window
When not executed properly
Swiches to the ADJUST window if the current window is the RUN window Swiches to the RUN window if the current window is the ADJUST window
SGRLOAD - Scene GRoup LOAD -
Function ... Loads the scene group data from the external devices
SGRLOAD<Scene No.> <Load Resource> delimiter |
Scene group No. shall be set within 0 to 31.
Selects the following from the <Load Resource>
- \USBDisk\...
When a file in the USB memory is selected, this file will be loaded. The file extension is "***.SGP".
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- Select the files with other extension names (other than "***.SGP")
- When non-existing files are used
- Please do not Cut off power of controller before the response.
SGRLOAD 3 \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL.SGP delimiter |
The "LABEL.SGP" file, namely Scene Group 2, in the "IMG01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive is loaded onto Scene Group 3.
SGRSAVE - Scene GRoup SAVE -
Function ... Saves scene group data into the external devices
SGRSAVE<Scene No.><Save to Destination Address> delimiter |
Scene group No. shall be set within 0 to 31.
Selects the following from the <Save to Destination Address>
- \USBDisk\...
When the destination folder is in the USB memory, it will be Saved to the USB memory. The file extension is "***.SGP".
SGRSAVE 3 \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL.SGP delimiter |
The image data of the No.3 image, namely the "LABEL.SGP" file, will be Saved into the "IMG01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive.
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- Select the files with other extension names (other than "***.SGP")
- When a non-existing folder is selected in the destination address
- In the case the specified file name has existed, the existing file will be overwritten
- Please do not Cut off power of controller before the response.
Function 1 ... Gets current system data
SYSDATA <Identifier 0> <Identifier 1> delimiter |
When not executed properly
Identifier 0 is "Logging".
Identifier 1 and values are as follows.
Identifier 1 and values
- 0: None
- 1: Only NG
- 2: All
Folder name as the destination to save image logging
Folder name as the destination (one-byte alphanumeric character)
Prefix of image logging file name
Prefix of image logging file name (one-byte alphanumeric character)
- 0: None
- 1: Only NG
- 2: All
Name as the destination folder to save data logging
Folder name as the destination (one-byte alphanumeric character)
SYSDATA Logging imageLogging delimiter |
Gets current image logging setting
The current image logging setting is 1 (Only NG).
Function 2 ... Sets system data
SYSDATA <Identifier 0> <Identifier 1> <Set Value> delimiter |
When not executed properly
Identifier 0 is "Logging".
Identifier 1 and values are as follows.
Identifier 1 and values
- 0: None
- 1: Only NG
- 2: All
Folder name as the destination to save image logging
Folder name as the destination (one-byte alphanumeric character)
Prefix of image logging file name
Prefix of image logging file name (one-byte alphanumeric character)
- 0: None
- 1: Only NG
- 2: All
Name as the destination folder to save data logging
Folder name as the destination (one-byte alphanumeric character)
(Example 1)
SYSDATA Logging imageLogging 1 delimiter |
Sets image logging to be performed only if NG.
(Example 2)
SYSDATA Logging imageLoggingDirectory \RAMDisk delimiter |
Sets RAM Disk as the destination to save image logging.
Function ... Loads system data from an external device
SYSLOAD <Source data> delimiter |
Specifies the content of the following location as the <Source data>.
- \USBDisk\...
If specifying the files on USB memory as the source, those files are loaded. The file extension is "***.INI".
Note- The following cases result in failure.
- When a file with extension other than "***.INI" is specified.
- When a file that does not exist is specified.
- Do not turn off the power of the controller until a response is returned.
SYSLOAD \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL.INI delimiter |
Loads "LABEL.INI" in the "IMG01" folder of the USB memory drive labeled "USBDisk2".
Function ... Saves system data to an external device
SYSSAVE <Destination> delimiter |
Specifies the following location as the <Destination>.
- \USBDisk\...
When the destination folder is in the USB memory, it will be Saved to the USB memory. The file extension is "***.INI".
SYSSAVE \USBDisk2\IMG01\LABEL.INI delimiter |
The image data of the No.3 image, namely the "LABEL.INI" file, will be Saved into the "IMG01" folder in the USB memory of the "USBDisk2" drive.
Note- Cannot be executed correctly in case of the following.
- Select the files with other extension names (other than "***.INI")
- When a non-existing folder is selected in the destination address
- In the case the specified file name has existed, the existing file will be overwritten
- Please do not Cut off power of controller before the response.
Function 1 ... Obtains the parameters set in or the values measured by the processing unit that is set in the current scene.
UNITDATA <Processing Unit No.> <External Reference Table No.> delimiter |
- Specifies 0 to 9999 for <processing unit No.>.
- <External Reference Table No.> varies depending on the specified processing unit items.
For details, see the "External Reference Table" of the processing items registered in the processing unit.
- Only numerical data is available.
Retrieves the judgement result of the Search in the sixth processing unit with its number "5" (the value of the external reference table is "0").
Function 2 ... Set the parameters of the processing unit set in the current scene
UNITDATA <Processing Unit No.> <External Reference Table No.> <Data to Set> delimiter |
- Specifies 0 to 9999 for <processing unit No.>.
- <External Reference Table No.> varies depending on the specified processing unit items.
For details, see the "External Reference Table" of the processing items registered in the processing unit. Processing item List
- Only value data can be set.
UNITDATA 5 124 10 delimiter |
Sets "Skipping angle" (the external reference table value: "124") of "Search" to "10", which was set to the 6th processing unit (Unit No. "5") .
Function ... Acquires system version information
: version information YYYY/MM/DD |
Obtains system information.
FZ2-XXX Ver.1.00 2007/07/30 |
The controller type is "FZ2-XXX", the version is "1.00", and the date is "July 30th, 2007".