Trend Monitor

Allows the information about measurement results to be displayed on the monitor.

Used for the following case

  • When requiring to avoid excessive defective products
    Trend Monitor - Overview
  • When analyzing NG reason
    Trend Monitor - Overview

List of Trend Monitor Items

Trend Monitor items are explained below.
Table: List of Trend Monitor Items
Item Name
This item selects the measurement values you want to display on the trend monitor.
[Measurement (Trend Monitor)]
Display range
pThis item secifies the display range. You can scroll the graph up and down or zoom in/out to view a desired size.
[Display Range (Trend Monitor)]
This item specifies the judgement conditions for OK, and the warning range to call attention to before NGs occur frequently.
[Judgement Condition (Trend Monitor)]
NG display
This item displays maximum 36 errors returned when the judgement result is NG.
[NG Display (Trend Monitor)]
Data save
This item saves the measurement results recorded in the trend monitor to USB memory.
[Data Save (Trend Monitor)]
Output parameter
This item can be changed if necessary. Usually, the factory default value can be used.
Specify whether to reflect the judgement result to the overall judgement of the scene.
[Output Parameter (Trend Monitor)]