Points on Measurement Test and Adjustment (Gravity and Area)

In addition to camera images, the measurement region will also be displayed in "Image display" area.
In the "Detail result" area on the Main screen, you can confirm the following contents in text.
User's Manual, "Displaying Flow and Detail Result"
Table: Text Displayed (Gravity and Area)
Displayed Items
Judgement result
Gravity X
Center of gravity coordinate X
Gravity Y
Center of gravity coordinate Y

Points on Adjustment

Please choose your adjustment methods as follows.
When the Measurement Results are unstable
  • For color cameras:
    In [Color], select the area whose color will be sampled and the area whose color will not be sample. The setup should be such that two stable parts of color hue\color saturation\color value are formed.
  • For monochrome camers:
    In [Binary], change the reference density range.
    [Binary (Gravity and Area)]