Parameter Settings (Circle Regression)

  1. Select a setting method.
    Parameter Settings - "Parameter" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    • [Nearest unit]
    • Calculation
    Nearest unit: calculated from the unit data of several continuous coordinates that were just measured.The number of units referenced is indicated by the Number of points.If a unit where coordinate measurement is not performed is included in Nearest unit, calculation will not be performed properly and measurement will be NG.
    Calculation: Calculated from expression set up.
    Number of points
    [3] to 8
    Set up the number of coordinate points used for calculation.
  2. Tap [OK].

When Calculation is Selected

  1. Tap […].
    Parameter Settings - "Parameter" area
    The Setting Expression window is displayed.
  2. Set up the expression.
    Sub-menus that can be set in expressions depending on the processing unit are displayed.When the sub-menu is tapped, it is added to the Exp.
    Setting Expression window - No function displayed
  3. After setting up the expression, tap [OK].
    The expression is confirmed.