Output Format (Serial Data Output)

  1. In the item tab area, tap [Output format].
  2. In the "Output setting" area, select the communication method.
    Output format - "Output setting" area
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Communication is performed via a RS-232C/RS-422 connection.
    Communication is performed via the Ethernet.
  3. In "Format setting", select the output format.
    Output format - "Output setting" area
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Outputs in the ASCII format.
    "User's Manual", "Character Code Table"
    Outputs as binary data. Measurement values are multiplied by 1000 and output is continuous with 4 bytes per each data item.
    When the "ASCII" output format is selected
    When "ASCII" is set as the output format, set the following items among the format settings.
    When "Binary" is set as the output format, no setup is needed.
    Output format - "Output setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    1 to [10]
    Specify the digits of the integer part including the sign. For positive numbers, the plus sign is not output.
    Setting: 4 digits, Data: -5619
    -999 is output.
    0 to [4]
    Specify the number of output digits in the decimal part. When 0 is selected, the decimal digits will be rounded off.
    • [-]
    • 8
    Select what is displayed in the sign column for a negative number.
    0 suppress
    • ON
    • [OFF]
    Select the method for adjusting when there is a blank to the left of the output data.
    ON: Insert 0 into the blank digit space.
    OFF: Insert a space in the location with no character.
    When integer section setting: 5 digits, decimal section setting: 3 digits, data is 100.000
    ON: 00100.000
    OFF: _100.000 (_ represents a space)
    Field separator
    • OFF
    • [Comma]
    • Tab
    • Space
    • Delimiter
    Select the separator for output data.
    *The delimiter is obtained from the system.
    Record separator
    • OFF
    • Comma
    • Tab
    • Space
    • [Delimiter]
    Select the separator each time data is output.
    *The delimiter is obtained from the system.
  4. If you have selected "Ethernet" for "Communication method", perform Ethernet settings.
    Output format - "Output setting" area
    Set value
    [factory default]
    [Refer System (system -comm -Ethernet)]
    IP address listed below
    Output IP address
    Enter the destination IP address.
    PLC Link setting
    Specify the output format for the PLC Link.
    When precision to 4 digits after the decimal point is required, use a floating point.
    Output format
    Fixed point
    Data is output multiplied by 1000.
    Example: 0x0001E240 is output for 123.456
    Floating point
    Data is output in floating point format
    Example: 0xc2f6e979 is output for -123.4567
    Output when Ethernet is set as the output destination
    • Output format: ASCII
      1 packet is output for each 1 unit of serial data output.
      When multiple units of serial data are output, that many packets are output.
    • Output format: Binary
      1 packet is output for each 1 data item of serial data output.