[Date Parameter (Date Verification)]

This item sets the date/time parameters.
  1. In the "Item tab" area, tap [Date parameter].
  2. In the "Use term setting" area, tap [...] for each item and input values.
    The value can also be adjusted by tapping [<] and [>].
    How to input a value:User's Manual, "Inputting a Value"
    Date Parameter - Use term setting area
    Table: Date Parameter(Date Verification) - Use term setting
    Setting Item
    Set Value
    [Factory default]
    0 to 99
    Specify a usage period from the current date, when comparison is made with character strings with a usage period limit.
    Example) When the current date is Oct. 1, 2007 and the usage period is 10 days, the expiration date is Oct. 11, 2007.
    0 to 99
    0 to 999
  3. In the "Date setting" area, specify a value for each item.
    Date Parameter - Date setting area
    Table: Date Parameter (Date Verification) - Date setting
    Setting Item
    Set Value
    [Factory default]
    Auto Update
    • Not update
    • First measure
    • [Always update]
    Select to update only the year, month, and day. The clock time is always updated.
    When "Not update" is selected, the date of registration of the processing unit is memorized. And the date can be updated later when performing date update is performed later in the menu.
    When "First measure" is selected, the date is updated at the first measurement after start.
    When "Always update" is selected, the date is updated every measurement.
    Zero suppress
    • [0]
    • Space
    Select how the tens digits of the month and day are displayed.
    Calcuration order
    • [Month IconDay]
    • DayIconMonth
    Select whether to calculate the month first or the day first when the usage period is set. (This affects calculation of end of month.)
    Month end adjust
    • [Last day of now]
    • First day of next
    • Gap day of next
    Select the adjustment method when the month and day become an invalid month or day as a result of usage period calculation.
    Example) When the current date is January 31st and the usage period is one month
    "Last day of now" = February 28
    "First day of next" = March 1
    "Gap day of next" = March 3
  4. In the "Time margin setting" area, tap [...] and specify a value for each item.
    The figure number can be specified by tapping [<] [>].
    How to input a value: User's Manual, "Inputting a Value"
    Date Parameter - Time margin setting area
    Table: Date Parameter(Date Verification) - Time margin setting
    Setting Item
    Set Value
    [Factory default]
    Back margin
    0 to 99
    Specify allowable time before the current time (in minutes).
    Ahead margin
    0 to 99
    Specify allowable time after the current time (in minutes).
    Tapping [Date Update] updates the date information of the verification string.
For the subsequent operations, see Setting up [Date Verification].