Checking the Communication Status (Serial Interface)

Check the communication status with the external devices that are connected by serial interface. You can check whether wiring and communication settings are done properly.
  1. On the Main screen, tap [System] - [Communication] - [Serial].
    The Serial window is displayed.
  2. Tap [Confirmation] to check I/O status.
  3. Check or uncheck the "Echo back" check box.
    Serial - Confirmation window
    When checked, the character strings received from external devices can be sent directly.
  4. You can input any character when editing and testing the character strings to be sent.
    1. Tap the [...] button on the right side of the "String".
      Serial - Confirmation window
      The soft keyboard is displayed.
    2. Input character strings within 12 characters.
      How to input text: Inputting a Text
  5. Tap [Transfer].
    Serial - Confirmation window
    Contents of "Send String" are displayed on the window. Please verify it.
    Table: About Display Contents on Screen
    Display character strings sent to external devices.
    Display character strings received from external devices.
  6. Tap [OK].
    The Serial window closes.