Setting the STEP Input Detection Pulse Width [STEP Setting]

This setting is performed as a countermeasure against STEP input chattering and to prevent operation malfunctions due to entrance of noise.

When Filter Setting Value Is 100 μs (Initial Value)

The STEP signal is detected as being on at the point it is on continuously for at least 100 μs, and measurement begins at this point.Accordingly, STEP signal detection is delayed by an amount of time equivalent to the set filter value. Also, when turning from ON to OFF, the OFF filter fixed at 500 μs is activated and the STEP signal is detected as OFF when it is off for at least 500 μs.

STEP setting - Setting example
  1. On the Main screen, tap the [System] menu - [Controller] - [STEP setting].
  2. Set the filter width in the "STEP setting" area.
    STEP setting window
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    STEP signal filter width [μs]
    • [100]
    • 200
    • 300
    • 400
    • 500
    Sets the filter width.