Reference Position (Labeling)

This item can be changed if necessary.When the region is set, the reference position is automatically set at the center of gravity of the measurement region. In the same way for the reference area, when the region settings are made, they are set automatically based on the measurement region.
This item can be used to change the reference position to any desired position.
  1. In the Item Tab area, tap [Ref. position].
    In the Image Display area, the current reference position will be displayed as the crosshair cursor.
  2. Tap the position to be set as the reference position.
    Reference position - "Image display" area
  3. If necessary, finely adjust with numeric input and the arrow buttons.
    Reference position - "Reference coordinate setting" area
  4. If necessary, in the "Display setting" area, set up display settings for the images displayed in the Image Display area.
    For color cameras:
    Reference position - "Display setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Extract image
    • [Checked]
    • Unchecked
    If you place a check at this option, images set with color specification are displayed.
    For monochrome cameras:
    Reference position - "Display setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Binary image
    • [Checked]
    • Unchecked
    The image is displayed in binary with black and white.