Measurement Parameters (EC Circle Search)

This item specifies the judgement conditions for measurement results.Specify to what degree OK is still judged in relation to measurement result coordinates (X,Y) and the circle evaluation value with the model.
  1. In the Item Tab area, tap [Measurement].
  2. Select the search type.
    Measurement - "Search type" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Search type
    [Single search]
    This is set when there is one search target.
    Multi search
    This is set when there is more than one search target.
  3. Set the measurement conditions.
    For single search
    Measurement - "Measurement condition" area
    For multi search
    Measurement - "Measurement condition" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    1 to 9999
    [Radius drawn using circle resister]
    This item sets the radius of the circle measured.
    This is displayed on the screen with a solid blue line.
    Radius range
    [1] to 9999
    This measures the measured circle radius ± the permitted radius width.
    This is displayed on the screen with a broken blue line.
    Candidate level
    (Multi search only)
    [0] to 100
    Specify the threshold value used when detecting candidate points in an EC circle search.Specify a smaller value when model search results are unreliable.
    Sort condition
    (Multi search only)
    • X ascending
    • X descending
    • Y ascending
    • Y descending
    • Eva. ascending
    • [Eva. descending]
    • Radius ascending
    • Radius descending
    Specify the conditions by which label number is re-assigned.
    When sorting referencing the X and Y coordinates, the upper left is the origin.
    Advanced setting
    • Checked
    • [Unchecked]
    Place a check in order to set the grouping distance.
    Grouping distance
    1 to 10
    When circles measured overlap, this sets the distance for distinguishing circles.
    The smaller this value, the easier to distinguish circles.
    For monochrome cameras:
    For a monochrome camera only, the circle color parameters are displayed.
    Measurement - "Circle color" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Circle brightness
    • [Both]
    • White
    • Black
    This sets the circle color with the brightness.
  4. Set up the judgement condition.
    Measurement - "Judgement condition" area
    • The values beside each item are measurement results of the displayed image.Take these values into consideration to determine the upper and lower limits.
    Setting item
    Set value
    Measure pos X
    -99999.9999 to 99999.9999
    Specify the range of X-axis shifting that is judged to be OK.
    Measure pos Y
    -99999.9999 to 99999.9999
    Specify the range of Y-axis shifting that is judged to be OK.
    0 to 100
    Specify the range of circle evaluated values that are judged to be OK.
    0 to 99999.9999
    Specify the area range of radiuses that is judged to be OK.
    Search count
    0 to 255
    Specify the range of quantities that is judged to be OK.