Enlarging Measurement Images [Zoom Images]

Set the measurement image zoom status (magnification and display position).During display of multiple images, magnification can be set for each image.
  1. On the Main screen, tap [View] - [Zoom images].
    A magnification setting tab is displayed in the top right of the measurement image.
    Main screen - Zoom images
  2. Set the magnification as required.
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Measurement image magnification setting
    • [Auto]
    • 25%
    • 50%
    • 100%
    • 200%
    • 400%
    • 800%
    • 1600%
    Sets magnification.
  3. Drag images to specify the display position as required.
  4. On the Main screen, tap [View] - [Zoom images].
    The current magnification and display position are saved.