Measurement Parameters (Scan Edge Widths)

Measurement parameters can be changed as needed to address unstable measurement results.Normally, the factory default value will be used.
After changing a setting, check whether measurement can be done properly by performing an actual measurement.
  1. In the "Item tab" area, tap [Measurement].
    The edge profile of the measurement region is displayed as a graph in the "Image display" area.
    Measurement - "Image display" area
  2. Set the value of each item in the "Display area" area.
    Measurement parameters - "Display area" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Display area No.
    [0] to 99
    This item uses the scan region of which edge profile is displayed.
    • [Checked]
    • Unchecked
    Specify enable/disable of the divided area.When disabled (unchecked) is specified, measurement is not performed.
    • [Forward area]
    • Reverse area
    Forward area: The edge is searched from the start point of the area toward the end point.
    Reverse area: The edge is searched from the end point of the area toward the start point.
  3. Set the value of each item in the "Measurement" area.
    For color cameras:
    Measurement - "Measurement" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Edge level
    • Position (%) for width of a color
      0 to 100 [50]
    • Value of color
      0 to 442 [20]
    Select a color difference level with which the edge is detected.
    See "User's Manual", "Edge level"
    Edge color level
    0 to 442
    This emphasis level can be specified only if the edge color to detect is specified.
    For monochrome cameras:
    Measurement - "Measurement" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Measure type
    This sets the type of edge measurement.
    Density change
    Select whether a black-to-white change or a white-to-black change should be recognized as a density change in the specified region.
    Edge level
    • Position (%) for width of a density
      0 to 100 [50]
    • Value of density
      0 to 255 [20]
    Select the density change level to be detected as edges.
    See "User's Manual", "Edge level"
  4. If necessary, set each item in the "Noise removal" area.
    Measurement - "Noise removal" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    Noise level
    0 to 442
    When detection is affected by noise, increase this value.
    Noise width
    0 to 9999
    Set the width for judging noise.
    When detection is affected by noise, increase this value.