Binarization (Labeling)

When a monochrome camera is connected, the 256-tone grayscale images taken in from the camera are converted into binary black-and-white images before the images are measured.Converted white pixels are measured.
This specifies the level for converting grayscale images into binary images.
  1. In the "Item tab" area, tap [Binary].
  2. In the "Binary setting" area, specify the reference density range.
    Binary - "Binary setting" area
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Binary level
    0 to [255]
    Specify the level for converting 256-tone grayscale images to binary images.Adjust the binary level so that the measurement object is converted to white pixels.You can also set the binary level so that only intermediate density is measured.
    Optimum binary levels are calculated automatically and set.
    • [Checked]
    • Unchecked
    This item reverses black and white colors.