Measurement Parameters (Color Average and Deviation)

Set the reference color and judgement conditions.

For Color Cameras:

  1. In the "Item tab" area, tap [Measurement].
  2. If necessary, check the "Normalization" option in the "Adjust image" area.
    Normally, the factory default value will be used.After changing a setting, check whether measurement can be done properly by performing an actual measurement.
    Measurement - "Adjust image" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [factory default]
    • Checked
    • [Unchecked]
    Specify whether to normalize the brightness in calculating the color difference.
    When checked, the result is not affected by the total brightness and only the color tone can be detected.
  3. In the "Reference color" area, specify the reference color.
    This operation is not needed when there is a check at "Auto update reference color" when the region is registered.
    Measurement - "Reference color" area
    Setting methods
    Color chart
    Tapping the color chart displays the RGB values for the specified color at the bottom.
    R, G, B
    Set the RGB values with numbers.
    If you tap [Automatic], the average color of the measurement region is displayed as the reference color.
  4. When the setting has been changed, tap [Measure] in the "Detail" area to verify whether measurements can be made correctly.
    Measurement - "Detail" area
  5. Set up the judgement condition.
    Measurement - "Judgement condition" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    Color difference
    0 to 442
    Specify the upper and lower limit values for the difference between the average color of the measurement region and the reference color.
    Color deviation
    0 to 221
    Specify the upper and lower limit values for the deviation of the average color in the measurement region.

For Monochrome Cameras:

  1. In the "Item tab" area, tap [Measurement].
  2. Set up the judgement condition.
    Measurement - "Judgement condition" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    Density average
    0 to 255
    Specify the upper and lower limit values for judging the average density of the measurement region.
    0 to 127
    Specify the upper and lower limit values for the deviation of the average density in the measurement region.