Saving Settings Data to RAMDisk/USB Device

Saves the setting data file to the RAM Disk or USB memory. The data that can be saved is as follows.
System data
Settings data, such as the [System] menu settings contents, which is shared within the controller
Scene data
Data for each scene. Sequence of units set in each scene and setting values of units within scenes.
Scene group data
The data of scene group with 32 scenes.
System + scene group 0 data
Data combining the system data and the data from Scene Group 0.
  • During saving, do not restart, turn off power or remove the USB memory.Data will be corrupted and the system will not work properly at the next start-up. It is especially necessary to pay attention when "Save to file" is being performed for system + scene group 0 data, as the data being saved will also be saved to the controller flash memory at the same time.
  • When "Save to file" is executed, the data to save is also saved in the controller (except Scene Group Data 1 to 31).
  1. When saving to USB memory, plug a USB memory device into the controller.
  2. On the Main screen, tap [Data] - [Save to file].
    The Save to File window is displayed.
  3. Tap [Setting data] and select the data to save.
    Save to file - Data window
  4. When scene data is selected, tap [Icon] to select the scene number that is to be the save target.
    Save to file - Data window
  5. Specify the save destination folder and file name.
    Save to file - Data window
  6. Tap [OK].
    Save to file - Data window
    The window showing transfer status is displayed, and the data is sent to the save destination.