Color Data

Detect by comparing the color bias between the available color difference of the reference colors (Color difference) and the calculated average color of the measurement region. Alternatively, you can only detect the color tone while neglect the effect of image brightness.
For monochrome cameras, examination is performed by measuring the difference between the average density of the measurement region and the registered reference density, and the density deviation in the measurement region.

Used for the following case

  • When measuring the presence of measurement objects
    Color Data - Overview

List of Color Data Items

Color data items are explained below.
Table: List of Color Data Items
Item Name
Region setting
This item specifies the measurement region.
While the input image can be measurement as a whole, a quick and reliable measurement can be performed by set up the measurement region.
[Region Setting (Color Data)]
This item specifies the judgement condition for measurement results.
  • For color cameras:
    Specify the average color value (RGB) and allowable color deviation from the average value as the conditions for judging the object to be OK.
  • For monochrome cameras:
    Specify the average density value and allowable density deviation from the average value as the conditions for judging the object to be OK.
Measurement parameters can be changed as needed to address unstable measurement results or to increase the processing speed. Usually, the factory default value can be used.
[Measurement (Color Data)]
Output parameter
This item can be changed if necessary. Usually, the factory default value can be used.
Specify whether to reflect the judgement result to the overall judgement of the scene.
[Output Parameter (Color Data)]