Creating MDI Child Window
In this chapter, the development steps of MDI Child window is shown, by the example of MDI Child Window to display Logo image.
Create Project
Press Add PanDA on the tool menu of Application Producer.
Then this dialog appears.
Select MDI Child Window on Select application template.
And specify the name of the project. In this example, set "DisplayLogo".
Press OK then skeleton code is created, and opened by VisualStudio.
Edit Form
Project of MDI Child Window consists of two classes.
<Project name>.vb
MDI Child window shown on FJ main window
<Project name>_setting.vb
Setting form to set parameters for MDI Child window
Design the appearance by adding the controls to the forms by drag & drop from toolbox, and set properties in property setting window.
In this example, open DisplayLogo.vb with form designer at first.
And select PictureBox on toolbox, and drop it on form designer of DisplayLogo.vb.
Then PictureBox is located on DisplayLogo.vb.
Select added controls and set properties as necessary.
In this example, set property values as below.
Control name
And desing setting form as well.
In this example, the file dialog to select logo image, and the button to show the dialog are assigned on the form.
Control name
Jpeg image(*.jpg)¦*.jpg¦ Bitmap image(*.bmp)¦*.bmp
It is possible to add
FZ_CustomControl as well as Visual Studio standard controls. Using FZ_CustomControl, it is possible to program system control with simple codes.
And add the codes, in order to open file dialog by pressing button.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Define internal setting data
Define the data which is exchanged by MDI Child window and setting form.
The data is defined in DataDef class, which is defined in MDI Child Window Class.
In this example, the file name of selected image is defined in DataDef.
Public Class DataDef
Public imageFilePath as String
End Class
If it is necessary to set initial value, define it on DefaultSetting in MDI Child Window class.
In this example, no need to set initial value.
Setting data is exchanged via
Setting property of MDI Child window and Setting form.
In order to have multiple data in setting data, it is necessary to write codes to integrate multiple data into one string data, and extract multiple data from one string data.
The template used in this example already include the procedures to convert DataDef to string and restore DataDef from string, so it is not necessary to program these codes by yourself.
Setting property of MDI Child window and Setting form is stored in system data.
The length of each entry in system data is limited to 1023 characters. If it is necessary to exchange bigger data, consider another method to share data such as creating your own method to convert string, or using newly created file.
Implement event procedure
In MDI Child Window and Setting Form, it is possible to define event procedure by defining following modules in necessary.
Event procedure of Setting Form
Event timing
Save setting data
When OK button is pressed
Load setting data
When Setting Form starts
Load message text
When Setting Form starts
Event procedure of MDI Child Window
Event timing
Reflect hte change of setting data
When MDI Child Window is loaded
or OK button pressed on Setting Form
Save setting data
When Data Save is executed
or Setting Form starts
Load message text
When MDI Child window is loaded
Event of measurement initialization
On Measurement initialization
Event of measurement display
On refreshing measurement display
Event of scene switching
Just after switching scene
In this example, these procedures are implemented.
Event procedure of Setting Form
File path of selected image file is stored as string data.
Event procedure of MDI Child Window
Load image data to PictureBox1, from the image file.
Each codes are as below.
DisplayLogo_setting : SaveSettingData
Protected Overrides Function SaveSettingData() As Boolean
Dim dataSet As New DisplayLogo.DataDef
' *****************************************************************
' Set setting data to dataSet object.
' *****************************************************************
Dim file As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
If (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) Then
dataSet.imageFilePath = file
End If
Me.SettingData = DisplayLogo.ObjToString(dataSet)
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
DisplayLogo : SettingDataChgange
Protected Overrides Sub SettingDataChange()
Dim dataSet As DataDef = StringToObj(Me.SettingData)
' Apply setting data.
If Not (dataSet Is Nothing) Then
If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSet.imageFilePath)) Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(dataSet.imageFilePath) Then
PictureBox1.BackgroundImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(dataSet.imageFilePath)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Implement multi-language
In order to switch languages of the messages displayed on the screen according to the system setting, create message files for each language, and implement procedures of loading and setting messages in SetMessageText().
In this example, set message text to button on Setting Form.
Protected Overrides Sub SetMessageText()
' *****************************************************************
' Set message text.
' *****************************************************************
Me.Text = GetText("SettingFormTitle")
Me.Button1.Text = ("SelectImage")
End Sub
Message file is written in UTF-8 as below.
SettingFormTitle=DisplayLogo setting
SelectImage=Select image
Build project and test
Build the project from the menu of VisualStudio.
Then the file "DisplayLogo.dll" is created, and copied on "Release_XP" folder on current workspace.
The dll of MDI Child Window must be located on the same folder where FZ-PanDA.exe is located.
Press "Start" from Application Producer menu, then FJ software starts.
Show MDI Child window by the menu shown below.
Follow these steps to debug created module with Visual Studio.
(1) Build the project in Debug mode.
(2) Start FJ software from "Start" menu of Application Producer toolbox.
(3) On Visual Studio menu, select [Debug] -> [Attouch process] and select process named "FZ-PanDA.exe".
(4) Add MDI Child Window on the screen by the procedure shown above.