Key Points for Test Measurement and Adjustment (Character Inspection)

The following content is displayed in the "Detail result" area as text.
Displayed items
Color of display
OK/Unmeasured: Black
NG: Red
Judgement result
NG Cause
0: Black
Other than 0: Red
The following character strings are displayed.
The larger numbers have priority.
0: OK
1: Correlation values NG
2: Character count NG
4: Verification NG
Chara count
When the NG cause is the character count NG: Red
Other NG: Black
The number of measured characters is displayed.
Read string
When the NG cause is verification NG: Red
Other NG: Black
A character string read from the target unit is displayed.
When the NG cause for each character is the correlation value NG: Red
Other NG: Black
The correlation values for each character are displayed.
Example) When 0123 is read
Correlation values: 0(99) 1(56) 2(80) 3(27)

Key Points for Adjustment

Select the adjustment method referring to the following points.
When the measurement results are unstable
When the reading is unstable
Parameter to be adjusted
If characters are close, specify larger values for "Horizontal succession", "Vertical succession".
The judgement is NG (insufficient memory).
Parameter to be adjusted
Region setting
Specify as small a value as possible for FigureInfo=Region.
When the processing speed is slow
Parameter to be adjusted
Region setting
Specify as small a value as possible for FigureInfo=Region.