Measurement Parameters (Character Inspection)

Set the character inspection contents, the trimming method and the judgement conditions for the measurement results.
  1. In the Item Tab area, tap [Measurement].
  2. In the "Inspection condition" area, specify a value for each item.
    Measurement Parameters- "Inspection mode" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Inspection mode
    • [OCR]
    • OCR + Count
    • OCV
    Select the inspection mode of characters.
    • OCR: The character string is read in.
    • OCR + Count: The character string is read in.Also, the number of characters is inspected.
    • OCV: Inspects whether or not the same characters are lined up as the preset correct character string combination.
    Specify the direction of character reading.
    Horizontal succession
    [0] to 99
    If the characters are too close together to read in well, increase this.Specify the allowable overlapping range to be read for candidate points. This item is enabled when "Direction" is "icon" or "icon".
    Vertical succession
    [0] to 99
    Specify the allowable overlapping range to be read for candidate points.This item is enabled when "Direction" is "icon" or "icon".
    Dictionary candidate
    • [Unchecked]
      (Not used)
    • Checked
    Specify whether to use candidate point levels specified in the Model Dictionary or not.
    Rough candidate
    0 to 100
    When "Dictionary candidate" is unchecked, specify a value for the Rough candidate.
    Detail candidate
    0 to 100
    When "Dictionary candidate" is unchecked, specify a value for the Detailed candidate.
  3. Set up the judgement condition.
    Measurement - "Judgement condition" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Dictionary correlation
    • [Unchecked]
      (Not used)
    • Checked
    Specify whether to use the correlation lower limit set in the Model Dictionary or not.
    0 to 100
    When "Dictionary correlation" is unchecked, specify the Correlation.
    Character count
    1 to 32
    When "Inspection mode" is "OCR + Count", specify the judgement condition for the number of characters.
    Verification string
    A string with up to 32 characters.
    When "Inspection mode" is "OCV", specify the Verification string."*" in the Verification string is a wild card. Verification of whether a character is "*" is not possible. For sections to be judged OK no matter what characters are present and to just inspect whether or not there are characters at all, use "*".