Region Setting (Precise Defect)

This item is used to set up the measurement area.
Use a rectangle, wide line, ellipse (circle), wide circle, wide arc or polygon to specify a measurement region for [Precise Defect].Up to 8 figures can be drawn.
Wide line
Selected when detecting defects and burrs of the measurement objects.
Region Setting Method (Wide line)
Wide circle, wide arc
Selected when detecting defects and burrs of the circle measurement objects.
Region Setting Method (Wide circle, wide arc)
Rectangle, ellipse (circle), polygon
Selected when detecting the overall defects of specified zones and measurement objects.
Region setting method (rectangle, ellipse (circle), polygon)
  1. In the Item Tab area, tap [Region setting].
  2. Use the Drawing tools to specify the measurement region.
    Up to 8 figures can be combined.
    Region setting - "Detail" area
  3. In the figure setting area, tap [OK].
    The measurement region is registered and displayed in the Image Display area.
    Region setting - "Image display" area