Binarization (Labeling+)

When a monochrome camera is connected, the 256-tone grayscale images taken in from the camera are converted into binary black-and-white images before the images are measured.Converted white pixels are measured.
This specifies the level for converting grayscale images into binary images.
  1. In the Item Tab area, tap [Binary].
  2. In the "Binary kind" area, set the type of binarization.
    Binarization - "Binary type" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Binary kind
    Convert 256-grayscale images to binary images.The binary level that is the conversion threshold is held constant.
    The binary level is not held constant.Stable binary images can be obtained by taking the difference between the input image and that input image after it has been subject to brightness averaging. This option is effective when the lighting is unstable.
  3. In the "Binary setting" area, specify the reference density range.
    When binarization is selected
    Binary - "Binary setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Upper limit
    0 to 255
    Specify the level for converting 256-tone grayscale images to binary images.Adjust the binary level so that the measurement object is converted to white pixels.You can also set the binary level so that only intermediate density is measured.
    Lower limit
    0 to 255
    Auto setting
    Optimum binary levels are calculated automatically and set.
    • Checked
    • [Unchecked]
    This item reverses black and white colors.
    When Dyn threshold is selected
    Binary - "Binary setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Offset value
    0 to 127
    This sets the offset for the difference between the input image and that input image after it has been subject to brightness averaging.The higher this value, the easier it is to extract locations (such as edges) with large density difference.
    • Checked
    • [Unchecked]
    This item reverses black and white colors.
    Perform the [Detail setting] if required.
    Binary - "Binary setting" area
    Setting item
    Set value
    [Factory default]
    Threshold region
    • [Light]
    • Dark
    • Equal
    • Not equal
    Set the region to extract.
    Light: Pixels brighter than the pixels around them are treated as white pixels.
    Dark: Pixels darker than the pixels around them are treated as white pixels.
    Equal: Pixels with minimum density difference from the pixels around them are treated as white pixels.
    Not equal: Pixels with large density difference from the pixels around them are treated as white pixels.
    Filter size
    3 to [255]
    Specify the filter size for brightness averaging processing.Match this size to the size of the location you want to extract.
    Offset value
    0 to 127
    This sets the offset for the difference between the input image and that input image after it has been subject to brightness averaging.The higher this value, the easier it is to extract locations (such as edges) with large density difference.
    • Checked
    • [Unchecked]
    This item reverses black and white colors.