Renaming a Scene and Adding a Description

Arbitrary descriptions can be added to each scene.This is convenient for making settings more easily understandable when managing many scenes.
  1. On the Main screen, tap [Scene] - [Scene maintenance].
    The Scene Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Tap the scene to be renamed from scene list.
  3. Set "Scene name", "Author" and "Note".
    Scene Maintenance window
    1. Tap [...] for each item.
      The soft keyboard is displayed.
    2. Set the name and a description.
      "Scene name" and "Author" cannot be longer than 15 characters, and "Note" cannot be longer than 255 characters.
      ゜ and " cannot be used alone as a "Scene name".
    • When writing "Note", enter a line-break after 32 single-byte characters or 17 double-byte characters. Without a line break, the display of character strings is truncated.
  4. Tap [Close].